Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Magic Boots

One day, Sarah went to buy some new boots. When she got the new boots, she sang `New are mine I will keep them for my life``
Then she went to get some cheese. Then she sang `` New cheese, new boots. Cheese and boots are mine. I`ll keep them for my life. ``
Just then she wore the boots and she felt something wet. She took off the boots and whoooosh- water flew out of the boots. The boots started flying and whirling all around. It kicked the cheese all the way out of the window. The boots banged and crashed and twirled. `` Well, I guess I could have magic boots inside my house. It;s not that big of a deal``, said Sarah. But when she went to bed, all she heard was crash bang boom. At lunchtime, the only plates were broken ones.
So Sarah had an idea. She went to the store where she had bought the boots. The sign outside the store said `The Magic Clothes Store`` She bought a pair of socks, a sweater , a sweatshirt and more and more clothes. The socks chased the boots out. The shirt chased the socks out. And the sweatshirt chased the shirt out. The only one left in the house was the sweatshirt and Sarah.
Well, Sarah did what she did. She yelled ``HEY KIDS, IF YOU WANT TO BE THE COOLEST KID, PUT ON THIS SWEATSHIRT!`` And the kids ran after the sweatshirt and Sarah lived happily ever after.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Magician's Magical Mistake

One day no, no, no, that's not how it began! It began like this. One day, hey, that's what I said! Well, maybe you should check your words.
Now, where was I? Oh ya. One day, in a old crooked house lived a magician. He was very good at doing magic. One day he took his hat and practised a spell. But he forgot the words. then a slip of paper came through the window. It had a spell. He tried it. Flicko flacka flicko flacka whoola doo sloopy loopy and this spell is true! Whoosh. he tapped 3 times on his hat.

Suddenly his tissue grew a face. It's started bouncing off shelves and started sneezing on itself. "What are you doing" ? cried the magician. "Why, bouncing off shelves", said the tissue. "Stop it!" said the magician. The tissue said, "Start it?" Why! Okay!" he grabbed the wand and zap!! The toys came alive. Soon, everything came alive. The more the wand zapped them the bigger they got. Soon, they were as big as the house. Then one of them put on the hat. Boooooooooom!! The toy dissapeared. The magician had an idea. He threw the hat in the air. But one of his tank toys destroyed the hat. He had another idea. He said the spell the other way. Loopy sloopy doo whoola flacko flicko flacka flicko!

The toys started shrinking. Smaller and smaller and smaller. The magician quit his job and started to be a toymaker. He hoped the toys would not come alive.

The e...Wait!!! That's not how the story goes. Oh ya, well, maybe you should check the story. I already did! It goes like this. PUSH!!!!! Never mind him.

The End.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rohan's fables- stories with morals.

The Foolish Villager

One day the lions were fighting the villagers in Africa. One of them survived. He was so relieved that he told everybody. They were amazed. So they had a big feast. He was so pleased he told everyone how it happened.

But he thought I was smart and survived. So maybe I can steal the lion's food.
The next morning he woke up at 3 am. He sneaked into the lions territory. The lions burst with rage. When everyone woke up they could not find the villager. They learned of a valuable lesson.

Moral: Don't expect everything that you want will come.

The Mean Snake

One day there was a mean snake. Whenever the frogs came by his hole, he sang “foolish frog, foolish frog, you came to my hole , you thought I was a mole. Well, I’ll swallow you whole.” And he did. He never let the frogs live. Because only if they gave did a favor for him, he would he let them live. But none of the frogs could think of one.

One day a wise bug walked down the road. A frog saw him and said “Yummy yum.” “Please spare my life and I will get rid of your problems”, said the bug.

So the frog whispered something into the bug’s ear. The bug walked to the snake and said, “Oh dear snake, please come out. The snake slithered out of his hole. The bug said, “I will lead you to the frog’s village. So the snake followed him. Bite into this rock, said the bug and it will lead you to the frog’s village. “

So the snake bit on the rock which was actually a lion’s face. He roared in pain and ate the snake. And the bug and the frogs lived happily ever after.

Moral: What you do will come back to you.

How a mouse can dodge three animals

One day a mouse was walking by. A bear caught it. He was about to throw the mouse in the river when the mouse chewed his claws and the bear growled with pain and dropped the mouse on the grass.

Just then an eagle flew by. He said, “Ha, this mouse is weak. He laughed and laughed but then he could not find the mouse! Because the mouse hid in the forest since he was so little.

The eagle looked and looked but the mouse was nowhere to be found.

Just then a fox rambled by. He said, “Ha, he could not even escape a house if it was on fire. “ The mouse ran in a hole and the fox tried to get in there but he could not. So he went looking for some other prey.

All of the three animals chased after the mouse. The mouse jumped through the eagle’s legs and the bear bumped into the eagle, jumped off the bear’s head and right through the fox’s claws. They all fell in the river. And the mouse , well, he just sat there laughing.

Moral: If you’re small does not mean you’re weak at all.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Through the far lands ( a poem )

On a horse clip clop clip clop through the grass, jumping, fighting big beasts,
riding a crocodile, swishing through the river, and eating some yummy feasts.

Riding on a dragon, soaring through clouds, breathing out fire, rising higher.

Riding an ostrich, zooming through the trees, eating honey from the bees.

Sleeping on a bed, your imagination is tired, sleeping sleeping and .......riding a horse, riding a crocodile, riding on a dragon, riding on an ostrich and saying good night on your comfy cosy bed.

The far lands are sleeping, so should you, but don't forget
you can play in your dreams too.

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!

Once there was a boy named Gless. He loved to sleep. But one problem. He though there was monsters in his room. He went to bed and he heard a squeeeeak! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!! He yelled. he ran out of his room, ran around the kitchen and jumped so high he jumped over his dad who was reading the newspaper. "Be quiet", there are no monsters. He went back to bed when a claw rose up above his head. He turned on the light and there was a monster. Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh, he yelled. The monster yelled Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!

He dashed around Gles's room and bumped into the door. Then Gless's dad came up. What's all the noise he said. As soon as he looked he yelled Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The monster yelled Aaaahhhhhhhh!! The monster jumped up, banged the ceiling and fell flat on the floor. Then Gless's mom came up the stairs. "What's all that noise" she said. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!! yelled Gless's mom. The monster yelled Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!

The monster ran downstairs, ran through the door, ran into a spaceship, blasted himself into space and zoomed and zoomed and zoomed and he yelled "Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

And Gless was not afraid anymore. But maybe just a little he was afraid of spiders. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


Friday, September 30, 2011

This is that and that is this

Once there was a boy called Cesterfur. He was very curious. But not like Curious George. Instead whatever he saw he would ask questions. His nickname was That This. His nickname was That this because he always asked a lot of questions. Once he was strolling past a big tree. The big tree had lots of leaves. He asked Was this here for a long time or does it get shorter each time it gets older. Does it get hot form the sun or does it get very very cold. His mom opened her mouth to answer but he interrupted and said "Do all fruits grow on trees or just vegetables? " Do all plants grow into trees? Or just some? His mom thought all night and she finally got it.

She got so much books about lions, tigers, mammals, reptiles, sharks, whales, plants and trees and many more. But one teensy weensy problem. Cesterfur loved to run. So his mom each time got him that book when he asked a question about it. He grew up to love books but there was one teensy weensy weensy problem. Cesterfur wasn't good at math. And he had a billion math sheets to complete. So I leave off there and don't ask me any questions like you know who.

The End.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hoppy the Happy Frog

Slipppery. Dippery. Glippery. Slimy. Hoppy. Happy. Slappy. Sleepy. Jumpy. Bumpy. Hoppy. Hoppy is my friend. He jumps place to place. He's cute like a newt. I was walking when I caught a frog. Yes, it's Hoppy. Slippery, dippery, gippery, jippery, pippery, Hoppy. I hopped with him until I let him go. I made a swimming pool for him and a fort with my belongings. He loved his fort. I don't know why. But he had fun with me. We played and danced until it was dark. I let him go. It was sad. I saw him hop and swim away. But he was happy in his home. He wasn't poisonous. He was cute.
The end
(Rohan's encounter with a frog he caught on hi camping trip at Algonquin. He adopted Hoppy (the frog) and they spent a couple of happy hours together. Hoppy was a leopard frog.)