Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lots of sounds

Hi. I am Rohan. Now do you like sounds? Well, this is a book you will really enjoy. It's called Lots of Sounds.

At the farm, I hear farm animals. Some of them are big and some of them are small. Oink, Moo, Cock a doodle doo. If you mixed all those sounds together- you would get this- Oinmoocockdoodledooa. Now we are at the jungle. Ooo ooh squak snap. If you put all that together you would get this- snaooquak. Now we are at the train station. Choo choo chuga chuga all aboard. If you put all that together, you will get- chugachugachoochooaboard.

Oink. Moo. cockadoodledoo. Ooo ooh. squak. snap. choo choo chuga chuga all aboard. If you put all that together, you get- squookcoockadoolesnalchugachoooooohoinkmooallaboard. And the last sound is


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