Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Lots of sounds
At the farm, I hear farm animals. Some of them are big and some of them are small. Oink, Moo, Cock a doodle doo. If you mixed all those sounds together- you would get this- Oinmoocockdoodledooa. Now we are at the jungle. Ooo ooh squak snap. If you put all that together you would get this- snaooquak. Now we are at the train station. Choo choo chuga chuga all aboard. If you put all that together, you will get- chugachugachoochooaboard.
Oink. Moo. cockadoodledoo. Ooo ooh. squak. snap. choo choo chuga chuga all aboard. If you put all that together, you get- squookcoockadoolesnalchugachoooooohoinkmooallaboard. And the last sound is
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Magic Bike
One day Odum got a bike. He wanted to ride it. He went on the bike and then as soon as he got on the bike the bike zoomed into the air. Then when he pushed the pedals he found that he was flying. The he went down on the ground. Then he went back home ate his supper and went to bed.
After he went to be he woke up in the morning and rided his bike to school. And then as soon as he got on the bike his school was right next to him. He went into school and after school he went back home. After his lunch he rode his bike again. But there was a problem, when he got on his bike it would not budge. When he was pedaling forward it went backwards. Then he pushed backwards and it zoomed. It zipped through traffic lights, it banged into trees, and even woke up a bear. As he walked home something happened. The bike slowly came out of his closet and it moved closer to the door and … woooshhhhh… It rode off. Odum ran after it but it went faster and faster until the bike went up a building. He climbed a ladder up the building but the bike rode down the stairs and went out of the building. Odum jumped down and tried to catch the bike. The bike turned around and then chased odum. Odum ran and ran and ran and ran. Then the wheel went POP. The bike went flying into the air and landed down with a big THUD. Then fireworks wen t flying into the sky and Odum never got something like a bike ever again.
But maybe he would get a scooter.